quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2011

Family Members!

Hi everyone! Last Saturday we talked about family. Now, I have a task for you: say how The Simpsons are related in this family tree.

Family Members

The grandfather/ The grandmother ——
The grandson/ The granddoughter ——–
The father/ The mother ———————
The son/ The daughter ———————
The brother/ The sister ———————
The nephew/ The niece ———————
The uncle/ The aunt ————————–
The godfather/ The godmother ————
The husband/ The wife ———————
The halfbrother/ The halfsister ————

'Till next time!!!

18 comentários:

  1. The Grandfather is: Abrahan and Clancy
    The Grandmother is:MOna, Jackie
    The Grandson is: Bart
    The Granddoughter: Lisa, Maggie and Ling
    The Father is: Bart
    The Mother is: Marge
    The Son is: Bart
    The Sister is: Lisa, and Maggie
    The Niece is: Ling
    The uncle is: Herb
    The Aunt is: Patty and Selma
    The Husnband and Wife is: Home and Marge
    Abraham and Mona
    Clancy and Jackie

  2. The grandfather/ The grandmother - Abraham/ Mona
    The grandson/ The granddaughter – Bart/ Lisa/ Maggie/ Ling
    The father/ The mother – Homer/ Marge
    The son/ The daughter - Herb/ Homer/ Marge/ Paty/ Selma
    The brother/ The sister – Bat/ Lisa/ Maggie
    The nephew/ The niece - Ling
    The uncle/ The aunt – Herb/ Paty/ Selma
    The godfather/ The godmother - ?
    The husband/ The wife - Homer/ Margie
    The half-brother/ The half-sister - Herb

  3. The grandfather/ The grandmother: Abraham/Mona
    The grandson/ The granddoughter : Bart/Lisa, Maggie and Ling
    The father/ The mother: Homer/Marge
    The son/ The daughter : Herb and Homer/Marge, Patty and Selma
    The brother/ The sister: Bart/ Lisa and Maggie
    The nephew/ The niece : Ling
    The uncle/ The aunt : Herb/Patty and Selma
    The godfather/ The godmother : ?
    The husband/ The wife: Homer/Margie
    The halfbrother/ The halfsister: Herb

  4. The grandfather/ The grandmother: Abraham/Mona
    The grandson/ The granddoughter : Bart/Lisa, Maggie and Ling
    The father/ The mother- Homer/Marge
    The son/ The daughter - Herb and Homer/Marge, Patty and Selma
    The brother/ The sister- Bart/ Lisa and Maggie
    The nephew/ The niece - Ling
    The uncle/ The aunt - Herb/Patty and Selma
    The husband/ The wife- Homer/Margie
    The halfbrother/ The halfsister- Herb

  5. The grandfather/ The grandmother - Abraham/ Mona
    The grandson/ The granddaughter – Bart/ Lisa/ Maggie/ Ling
    The father/ The mother – Homer/ Marge
    The son/ The daughter - Herb/ Homer/ Marge/ Paty/ Selma
    The brother/ The sister – Bat/ Lisa/ Maggie
    The nephew/ The niece - Ling
    The uncle/ The aunt – Herb/ Paty/ Selma
    The godfather/ The godmother - I don't know
    The husband/ The wife - Homer/ Margie
    The half-brother/ The half-sister - Herb

  6. The grandfather/ The grandmother:Abraham and Mona;Clancy and Jackie
    The grandson/ The granddoughter:Bart,Lisa,Maggie and Ling
    The father/ The mother:Abrahm,Homer and Clancy;Jackie,Marge and Selma.
    The son/ The daughter:all of them.
    The brother/ The sister:Herb and Homer;Marge,Patty and Selma;Bart,Lisa and Maggie.
    The nephew/ The niece:bart,Lisa,Maggie and Ling
    The uncle/ The aunt:Herb,Hommer,Marge,Patty and Selma
    The godfather/ The godmother:???
    The husband/ The wife:Homer and Marge;Abraham and Mona; Clancy and Jackie
    The halfbrother/ The halfsister:Homer and Herb.

  7. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  8. In this family tree:
    The grandfathers are Abraham and Clancy.
    The grandmothers are Jackie and Mona.
    The grandson is Bart.
    The granddoughters are Maggie, Lisa and Ling.
    The fathers are Homer, Abraham and Clancy.
    The mothers are Marge, Selma, Mona and Jackie.
    The sons are Bart, Herb and Homer.
    The daughters are Marge, Selma, Patty, Maggie, Lisa and Ling.
    The brothers and the sisters are Marge, Selma and Patty; Maggie, Lisa and Bart.
    The nephew is Bart.
    The nieces are Lisa, Maggie and Ling.
    The uncles are Herb and Homer.
    The aunts are Marge, Selma and Patty.
    The godfather and The godmother we don´t know.
    The husbands and the wifes are Marge and Homer,Abraham and Mona, Clancy and Jackie.
    The halfbrothers are Herb and Homer.

  9. The grandfather/ The grandmother: Abraham/Mona
    The grandson/ The granddoughter : Bart/Lisa, Maggie and Ling
    The father/ The mother- Homer/Marge
    The son/ The daughter - Herb and Homer/Marge, Patty and Selma
    The brother/ The sister- Bart/ Lisa and Maggie
    The nephew/ The niece - Ling
    The uncle/ The aunt - Herb/Patty and Selma
    The husband/ The wife- Homer/Margie
    The halfbrother/ The halfsister- Herb

  10. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  11. The grandfather/ The grandmother: Abraham and Mona
    The grandson/ The granddoughter: Bart, Lisa and Maggie
    The father/ The mother: Homer and Marge
    The son/ The daughter: Herb and Homer
    The brother/ The sister: Herb
    The nephew/ The niece: Ling
    The uncle/ The aunt: Patty / Selma and Herb
    The husband/ The wife: Homer and Marge

  12. The grandfather/ The grandmother - Abraham/ Mona
    The grandson/ The granddaughter – Bart/ Lisa/ Maggie/ Ling
    The father/ The mother – Homer/ Marge
    The son/ The daughter - Herb/ Homer/ Marge/ Paty/ Selma
    The brother/ The sister – Bat/ Lisa/ Maggie
    The nephew/ The niece - Ling
    The uncle/ The aunt – Herb/ Paty/ Selma
    The godfather/ The godmother - ?
    The husband/ The wife - Homer/ Margie
    The half-brother/ The half-sister - Herb

  13. abraham, clancy / mona, jackie
    bart / lisa, maggie, ling
    homer / marge, selma
    bart / lisa, maggie, ling
    bart / lisa, maggie
    bart / lisa, maggie, ling
    herb / patty, selma
    abraham, clancy, homer / mona, jackie, marge

  14. The grandfather/ The grandmother: Abraham/Mona
    The grandson/ The granddoughter : Bart/Lisa, Maggie and Ling
    The father/ The mother- Homer/Marge
    The son/ The daughter - Herb and Homer/Marge, Patty and Selma
    The brother/ The sister- Bart/ Lisa and Maggie
    The nephew/ The niece - Ling
    The uncle/ The aunt - Herb/Patty and Selma
    The husband/ The wife- Homer/Margie
    The halfbrother/ The halfsister- Herb

  15. Hi, people!

    It is a little bit difficult!But I tried do!

    The grandfather are Abrahan and Clancy
    The grandmother are MOna and Jackie .
    The grandson is Bart
    The granddoughter are Lisa, Maggie and Ling
    The father is Homer
    The mother is Marge
    The son are Herb and Homer
    The daughter are Marge, Patty and Selma
    The brother is Bart
    The sister are Lisa and Maggie
    The nephew is Bart
    The niece are Lisa, Maggie and Ling
    The uncle is Herb
    The aunt are Patty and Selma
    The godfather and The godmother I don't know! Do they have?haha
    The husband are Homer, Abraham and Clancy The wife are Maggie, Mona and Jackie
    The halfbrother is Herb
    The halfsister is nobody!

  16. The grandfather/ The grandmother: Abraham/Mona
    The grandson/ The granddoughter : Bart/Lisa, Maggie and Ling
    The father/ The mother: Homer/Marge
    The son/ The daughter : Herb and Homer/Marge, Patty and Selma
    The brother/ The sister: Bart/ Lisa and Maggie
    The nephew/ The niece : Ling
    The uncle/ The aunt : Herb/Patty and Selma
    The godfather/ The godmother : ?
    The husband/ The wife: Homer/Margie
    The halfbrother/ The halfsister: Herb

  17. Family Members
    The grandfather/ The grandmother —— Abrahan and Clancy / Mona and Jackie.
    The grandson/ The granddoughter ——– Bart / Lisa, Maggie and Ling.
    The father/ The mother ——————— Bart / Marge
    The son/ The daughter ——————— Bart
    The brother/ The sister ——————— Bart, Lisa, and Maggie
    The nephew/ The niece ——————— Ling
    The uncle/ The aunt ————– Herb / Patty and Selma
    The godfather/ The godmother ———— Abraham / Mona
    The husband/ The wife ——————— Marge and Homer, Abraham and Mona, Clancy and Jackie.
    The halfbrother/ The halfsister —— Herb and Homer

  18. The grandfather/ The grandmother: Abraham/Mona
    The grandson/ The granddoughter : Bart/Lisa, Maggie and Ling
    The father/ The mother- Homer/Marge
    The son/ The daughter - Herb and Homer/Marge, Patty and Selma
    The brother/ The sister- Bart/ Lisa and Maggie
    The nephew/ The niece - Ling
    The uncle/ The aunt - Herb/Patty and Selma
    The husband/ The wife- Homer/Margie
    The halfbrother/ The halfsister- Herb
